Online Safety and Regulation: Navigating the Complex Regulatory Landscape in Asia-Pacific.
Date & Time
Monday, October 7, 2024, 1:30 PM - 2:10 PM
Smrithi Ramesh Soyoung Park

APAC is leading the race of Internet governance in all spheres including media, cloud computing and AI. Ranging from light touch to comprehensive regulation and licensing, APAC’s regulatory space has grown in varied directions as a response to the unique circumstances, cultural sensitivities and local ecosystems in the region. In this panel we will hone in on online safety regulation and analyze if there are common themes or challenges that can be discerned from emerging approaches to online safety regulation in Singapore, Australia, India, and other APAC jurisdictions? This panel will INCLUDE experts from industry, NGO and government.

Location Name
Clover 1
Full Address
6 Raffles Boulevard
Singapore 039594
Summit Session Type
Will this session be held under the Chatham House Rule?
Yes, this session will be conducted under the Chatham House Rule.