Cultural Contexts in Online Safety: Integrating Indigenous and Pacific Perspectives in APAC
Date & Time
Monday, October 7, 2024, 3:30 PM - 3:55 PM
Brent Carey

This presentation will provide an overview of how cultural contexts influence trust and safety efforts in the APAC region, with a focus on indigenous perspectives from New Zealand and the Pacific realm countries, Samoa and Vanuatu. By exploring the diversity of languages, cultures, and social contexts, we aim to offer insights and strategies for one way in which Netsafe, New Zealand's 25 year old online safety charity is looking to build bridges and create partnerships across the Pacific and Oceania region to address online safety challenges in this unique and dynamic region.

Section 1: Online Safety in New Zealand

  • Netsafe Overview
  • Brief introduction to Netsafe and its mission.
  • Highlight key initiatives and achievements in promoting online safety in New Zealand.

Section 2: Indigenous Perspectives on Online Safety

  • Māori Perspectives
  • The importance of incorporating indigenous perspectives in online safety.
  • Insights from Brent as a member of Te Ati Awa iwi on the unique online safety challenges faced by Māori communities.
  • Strategies for culturally sensitive online safety education and support.

Section 3: Case Study: Supporting the Pacific with a focus on New Zealand's Realm Countries, Samoa and Vanuatu

  • Overview of the Project
  • Introduction to the New Zealand government-funded project aimed at supporting Tokelau, Cook Islands, Niue, Samoa, and Vanuatu.
  • Objectives and scope of the project.
  • Literature Review Findings
  • Summary of key findings from the literature review on online safety in Pacific realm countries.
  • Identified challenges and opportunities in these regions.
  • Netsafe's Pacific Fellows Programme
  • Description of the Pacific Fellows Programme.
  • Role of Pacific fellows in promoting online safety.
  • Success stories and impact of the programme.
  • Building a Pacific Online Safety Website
  • The ongoing work to develop a dedicated Pacific online safety website.
  • Collaboration with Pacific fellows for translating Netsafe's education and resources.
  • Features and benefits of the new website.

Section 4: Conclusion

  • Summary of Key Points
  • Recap of the importance of integrating indigenous and cultural perspectives in online safety.
  • Highlight the success and future plans of Netsafe's initiatives in New Zealand and the Pacific realm countries, Samoa and Vanuatu.
  • Q&A Session
  • Open the floor for questions and discussion.
  • Encourage sharing of insights and experiences from the audience.
Location Name
Clover 1
Full Address
6 Raffles Boulevard
Singapore 039594
Summit Session Type