Misinformation's Devastating Impact: The Manipur Violence and the Need for Inclusive T&S Practices
Date & Time
Monday, October 7, 2024, 10:10 AM - 10:35 AM
Wasbir Hazarika

In the northeastern province of Manipur, India, with a population of 3 million and 33 recognized tribes, an ongoing conflict between the majority Meitei community and the minority Kuki and Naga tribes has resulted in the loss of over 221 lives and unspeakable acts of physical violence, including widespread arson, vandalism, large-scale rioting, murders, lynchings and instances of mass rape, notably the filmed assault of two Kuki women by a Meitei mob that shocked the nation and brought global attention to the crisis.

At the heart of this tragedy lies the insidious influence of digital misinformation, which has fueled tensions and catalyzed real-world harm. This presentation will delve into the devastating impact of false narratives and fabricated stories that have circulated online ultimately leading to numerous incidents of violence, displacement, and human rights violations. Through this examination, we will shed light on the urgent need for inclusive and representative trust and safety practices within online platforms and content moderation teams including diverse representation, local context awareness, multilingual moderation and adaptive policies. In this presentation, I will provide a comprehensive timeline illustrating the spread of misinformation during the Manipur crisis and its tangible real-world impacts. I'll explain how misinformation proliferated and why it proved challenging to control, highlighting key factors such as language barriers in content moderation, the complexity of fact-checking in a violence-stricken region, and challenges posed by internet shutdowns. Drawing from this case study, I'll outline broadly applicable lessons and strategies, including the need for proactive trend monitoring in potentially volatile regions, the importance of including regional experts in platform policy and strategy teams, and conducting thorough risk assessments for diverse global contexts. By connecting these specific experiences to wider industry challenges, I aim to offer insights and actionable approaches that can be adapted across various platforms and regions to improve trust and safety practices globally.

Location Name
Clover 3
Full Address
6 Raffles Boulevard
Singapore 039594
Summit Session Type