Does It Really Look the Same? Concepts of Self and Data Privacy Across Cultures.
Date & Time
Monday, October 7, 2024, 10:10 AM - 10:35 AM
Ignacio Arancibia

This presentation critiques the global adoption of the dominant European-based concept of Data Privacy and its suitability for various cultural contexts. While the GDPR has established stringent global data privacy standards and inspired many countries to adopt similar measures, standardising its Western-centric model, emphasising individualism and personal autonomy, may not be ideal for non-Western, collectivist cultures.

This talk examines whether the Western concept of data privacy aligns with these collectivist values and explores alternative approaches that might better fit diverse cultural contexts. Drawing on studies from the University of Leeds and the University of Hong Kong, as well as practical insights from studies on self-disclosure at Twitter and user consent practices at Canva, it argues that non-Western cultures often view privacy through a communal lens, prioritising group harmony over individual control. Based on those insights, it ventures that more culturally-sensitive privacy models may incorporate broader transparency requirements and restorative approaches, over punitive measures and over-emphasis on individual control.

The presentation advocates for culturally sensitive data privacy practices that integrate global standards with local values. By emphasising shared responsibility and restoring community harmony over a punitive approach, it proposes a more inclusive manner of protecting personal information that aligns with both cultural norms and global expectations.

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Clover 2
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6 Raffles Boulevard
Singapore 039594
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