Enabling election integrity through media literacy
Date & Time
Friday, May 17, 2024, 11:00 AM - 11:25 AM
Lynn Sutton

2024 is historic year for civic engagement, with several key elections taking place across Europe. Maintaining the integrity of elections in online spaces requires removing harmful misinformation; however, this alone is does not fully address the behavior behind the development and spread of misleading claims. To do so, platforms must also invest in educational and media literacy initiatives that empowers users both to seek out trusted sources of information and to think critically about the content they create and consume. In this session we'll explore how TikTok collaborated with electoral commissions and fact-checking organizations to develop in-app election centres and media literacy campaigns to combat harmful misinformation. The presentation will detail the rationale behind our approach, the importance of external partnerships in building interventions, and key learnings and opportunities for future online media literacy initiatives

Location Name
Full Address
Clayton Hotel Burlington Road
Leeson Street Upper
Dublin D D04 A318
Summit Session Type