Protecting children through industry collaboration
Date & Time
Friday, May 17, 2024, 1:00 PM - 1:40 PM
Sean Litton Valiant Richey Julie Guichard

Collaboration is key to fighting online child sexual abuse and exploitation because they are pervasive threats that can cross various platforms and services. Tech Coalition member companies work together to both accelerate the adoption of existing technologies and invest in the development of new technologies, such as Lantern; come together to share knowledge, upskill fellow members, and strengthen all links in the chain; and, unite with leading child safety organizations to protect children online through research, tech innovation and multi-stakeholder forums. Come learn from some of the our member companies about ways in which industry collaborates to protect children.

Location Name
Full Address
Clayton Hotel Burlington Road
Leeson Street Upper
Dublin D D04 A318
Summit Session Type