Generative AI and Election Narratives: Disinformation in the Digital Age
Date & Time
Monday, October 7, 2024, 4:05 PM - 4:45 PM
Arup Angle Bing Wen Tan Brian Lim Alice Budisatrijo

This panel session focuses on the pressing issue of disinformation and false narratives during elections, a time when the spread of made-up news and information poses significant risks to democratic processes. The session will explore why fabricated news is particularly problematic during elections, how individuals consume such information, and the role generative AI plays in exacerbating these issues. Emphasis will be placed on the methods used by bad actors to spread disinformation during election periods and the strategies employed by Trust & Safety teams to counteract these threats. By bringing together experts from social media platforms, policy research, academia, NGOs, and fact-checking solution providers, the panel will offer a comprehensive view of the challenges and propose actionable solutions. Special attention will be given to the cultural and contextual nuances in the APAC region, highlighting the unique challenges faced in this diverse area.

Location Name
Clover 4/5
Full Address
6 Raffles Boulevard
Singapore 039594
Summit Session Type
Will this session be held under the Chatham House Rule?
Yes, this session will be conducted under the Chatham House Rule.