Call for Proposals: FAQ

For all other questions, feel free to reach out to us at

  1. What are the Submission Types?
    • Lightning Talks. A lightning talk is a brief presentation (7-10 minutes) accompanied by slides. Lightning talks are great opportunities to celebrate a success, share a new idea, or get feedback on early work. Successful lightning talks usually consist of 1-3 key ideas and/or takeaways and feature slides with images rather than text. Think of this submission type as an opportunity to share a short, illustrated story with the community.
    • Important notes about Lightning talks: 
      • Only one presenter will be accepted per talk; we will not accept presentations with co-presenters.
      • If your talk is accepted and your presentation includes slides, you may be required to send your slides to TSPA prior to the conference.
    • Panels. A panel is a 30-40-minute thematic session consisting of 3-4 panelists and facilitated by a moderator. Panels are great opportunities to investigate a topic from different points of view. Successful panels require a strong moderator who can facilitate conversation and ask succinct questions. Successful panels also require panelists who are willing to engage openly, honestly, and respectfully with one another—especially when they disagree. With this submission type, you have two options:
      • Propose a full panel. When submitting a full panel, you must provide the theme/topic, possible questions to be asked and discussed, the name of the moderator, and the names of the panelists. You may list yourself as either the organizer and/or moderator or panelist
      • Propose to be a panelist. When submitting to be a panelist, you must provide a range of themes/topics to which you are willing to speak. Panelists are selected if a panel is submitted that requires additional panelists. 
    • Important notes about panels:
      • If your proposed panel is accepted, you are considered the panel organizer and will be responsible for communicating important information (i.e., registration requirements, deadlines) to and scheduling all meetings with your panelists.
      • We will prioritize panel submissions that are intentionally inclusive of different lived and professional experiences, races, ethnicities, ages, genders, disabilities, economic statuses, and other diverse backgrounds. We reserve the right to add panelists to a session to ensure inclusivity and representation.
    • Presentations. A presentation is a 20-minute talk that may or may not be accompanied by slides. Presentations are great opportunities to share current work, lessons learned, or how you and your team have built a product, service, policy, or organization. You may also want to present research you and your team have recently completed and/or published. Each presentation will be followed by time for Q&A. Successful presentations are well-organized and rehearsed with explicit key points and take-aways.
      • Important notes about presentations: 
        • Only one presenter will be accepted per presentation; we will not accept presentations with co-presenters.
        • If your presentation is accepted and your presentation includes slides, you may be required to send your slides to TSPA prior to the conference.
  2. What happens after I submit a proposal?

    The Programming Committee, made up of TSPA staff, TSPA members, and trust and safety professionals serving as volunteers, will review all proposals during the weeks after submissions. 

    If your submission is incomplete and/or does not meet the criteria outlined above, it will be rejected without further review.

    Completed proposals will be reviewed by the Programming Committee. Once the committee has made selections, we will email you to let you know whether your proposal has been accepted. In the case of a presentation or panel we may ask you to consider collaborating with another applicant if there’s significant overlap in topics, themes, and/or goals.

    If your proposal is accepted, members of the Programming Committee will follow up with you in the coming weeks to ensure we have your bio, headshot, slides (if applicable), and any additional information needed for a successful conference program. If you have any questions about your proposal, please contact

  3. When should I seek approval from my company to speak? 
    We highly recommend seeking approvals prior to submission. If you submit a proposal prior to seeking approval, we recommend starting the process immediately. 
  4. What if my proposal isn’t accepted?
    Due to the length of the APAC summit, there are limited speaking opportunties. That means many great proposals will not be selected for the final agenda. If your proposal isn’t accepted, there may be other opportunties in the future to engage with the TSPA on that topic. If you'd like to support the summit in other ways such as volunteering, please reach out to 
  5. If my proposal is accepted, will I receive a registration discount? 
    Yes. Summit registration fees are be covered for speakers. Speakers are responsible for travel and accommodations. If you require further financial assistance to attend the APAC Summit, there will be an opportunity to let us know in the submission form. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to provide financial assistance, but this will help us estimate how much we will need to fundraise.
  6. Will the Summit be livestreamed? 
    No. The Summit will not be livestreamed this year. 
  7. What if my proposal is accepted, but I can’t attend?
    If you can’t attend, you can have a colleague present on your behalf. If you cannot find someone to present on your behalf, your submission will be removed from the program