Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question that isn't below, reach out to 

Important Dates


  • Call for Proposals Launch: 14th June 2024
  • Call for Proposals Deadline: 29th July 2024
  • Decision Notifications: You will receive a response from us on 12th August 2024 if you have submitted a presentation, panel, workshop, or round table proposal. Panelist selections will be made on an as-needed basis rather than on a specific date. If you submit a panelist proposal, you will specify the date by which you need a decision.
  • Acceptance Deadline: We require confirmation of your availability to present by 23rd August 2024. Beyond this date, we cannot guarantee space for your session in the programme. 

Call for Proposals and Speaker FAQs

A code of conduct reminder: Please keep TSPA's Code of Conduct in mind as you construct slides, choose panel questions, and run Q&A. All speakers and attendees must adhere to the Code of Conduct in order to remain a part of our community and events. It may be particularly relevant to review the "Healthy Engagement and Communication" section as you consider your session design. 

What are the Submission Types?

  • Presentations. A presentation is a 25-minute talk that may or may not be accompanied by slides. Presentations are great opportunities to share current work, lessons learned, or how you and your team have built a product, service, policy, or organisation. You may also want to present research you and your team have recently completed and/or published. Successful presentations are well-organised and rehearsed with explicit key points and take-aways.
    • Important notes about presentations: 
      • Only one presenter will be accepted per presentation; we will not accept presentations with co-presenters.
      • If your presentation is accepted and your presentation includes slides, you may be required to send your slides to TSPA prior to the conference.
  • Panels. A panel is a 40-minute thematic session consisting of 3-4 panellists and facilitated by a moderator. Panels are great opportunities to investigate a topic from different points of view. Successful panels require a strong moderator who can facilitate conversation and ask succinct questions. Successful panels also require panellists who are willing to engage openly, honestly, and respectfully with one another—especially when they disagree. With this submission type, you have two options:
    • Propose a full panel. When submitting a full panel, you must provide the theme/topic, possible questions to be asked and discussed, the name of the moderator, and the names of the panellists. You may list yourself as either the organiser and/or moderator or panellist.
    • Propose to be a panellist. When submitting to be a panellist, you must provide a range of themes/topics you can speak to. Panellists are selected if a panel is submitted that requires additional panellists. You will be asked how much notice you require in order to participate in a panel at the time of your submission. 
    • Important notes about panels:
      • If your proposed panel is accepted, you are considered the panel organiser and will be responsible for communicating important information (i.e., registration requirements, deadlines) to and scheduling all meetings with your panellists. We highly recommend 1-2 prep meetings. 
      • We will prioritise panel submissions that are intentionally inclusive of different lived and professional experiences, races, ethnicities, ages, genders, disabilities, economic statuses, and other diverse backgrounds. We reserve the right to add panellists to a session to ensure inclusivity and representation.
      • In order to submit a panel proposal, you will need one confirmed panellist, which can be yourself. The submission form includes a space to include unconfirmed panellists. Panels are evaluated based on the contents of the panel rather than confirmed panellists. If accepted, you are responsible for confirming the rest of your panellists. 
  • Workshops. A workshop is a 60 or 90-minute hands-on session focused on a specific audience and with specific goals in mind. For example, you may want to plan and facilitate a workshop for trust and safety managers about how to provide online and offline security for their frontline employees.

    Successful workshops engage participants in collaborative work, meet predetermined goals, and generally result in an artefact of some kind (i.e., shared notes, a template, a set of preliminary evaluation metrics).

    With this submission type, you will be asked to indicate the goals and outcomes of the proposed workshop, the proposed format and/or schedule of activities, the ideal number of participants for your workshop, and how the workshop will contribute to the trust and safety community.

    Important notes about workshops:

    • We will accept up to two speakers per proposed workshop (that is, we are accepting co-facilitators for workshop sessions). If your workshop is open to more than 40 participants, you may also include an assistant to help manage the room. 

    • TSPA will provide workshop supplies such as pens, sticky notes, whiteboards, and whiteboard markers. If your proposal is accepted and you need additional supplies, you will need to provide those yourself.
    • If you want to provide pre-work for your workshop, you will need to include a description in your proposal. You’ll also need to make all pre-work (for example, readings) available to potential participants during workshop registration.
  • Round Tables. Round tables are 90-minute sessions designed to foster meaningful discussion among participants. These sessions are limited to 20 participants and emphasise open dialogue and collaborative problem-solving. For example, you may design a round table to discuss cross-industry collaboration or the evolution of trust and safety policies within a specific topic. Strong round tables include a skilled facilitator able to guide the conversation, encourage respectful disagreement, and keep the group on-track.  

    Important notes about round tables:
    • Round table submitters may choose criteria for round table participants. You can choose criteria such as roles focused on Child Safety, role types like managers, or choose a group of roles you hope to see represented. All round tables are first-come-first-serve within criteria and cannot be limited to specific companies, organisations, or individuals. There are feasibility limits during registration, so we may reach out to discuss your preferences if they cannot be feasibly met. We strongly recommend choosing a facilitator before submitting your round table. Providing examples of past facilitation work where possible is a plus. 
    • If your round table is selected, you will be responsible for communication and organisation with a facilitator or co-facilitator. You may be required to send a copy of your questions to TSPA ahead of the round table. 
    • You may run two parallel round tables on the same topic which will require a co-facilitator. 

What happens after I submit a proposal?

The Programme Committee, made up of TSPA staff, TSPA members, and trust and safety professionals serving as volunteers, will review all proposals during the weeks after submissions. 

If your submission is incomplete and/or does not meet the criteria outlined above, it will be rejected without further review.

Completed proposals will be reviewed by the Programme Committee. Once the committee has made selections, we will email you to let you know whether your proposal has been accepted. In the case of a presentation or panel we may ask you to consider collaborating with another applicant if there’s significant overlap in topics, themes, and/or goals.

If your proposal is accepted, members of the Programme Committee will follow up with you in the coming weeks to ensure we have your bio, headshot, slides (if applicable), and any additional information needed for a successful conference programme. If you have any questions about your proposal, please contact

Can TSPA Provide a letter in support of my visa? 

Yes. If your proposal is accepted and you need a travel visa, the TSPA team can provide you with a support letter. Please research visa requirements ahead of August 12 so we can send the letter promptly if needed. If your proposal is not accepted, we can provide an attendee support letter.

Please email for a support letter. Note that you must register to receive a letter, as we need to include your registration confirmation number.

How are panellists selected?
If you submit a proposal to become a panellist, it will be added to a list of potential panellists that TSPA contacts as needed. While we encourage panel proposers to secure panellists in advance, there are situations where organisers seek additional perspectives or when a confirmed panellist cannot participate. In these cases, TSPA will review the list of potential panellists and reach out to relevant speakers. Because panellist selections are made on an as-needed basis rather than a specific date, your submission will ask you to specify how much notice you require in order to participate.

When should I seek approval from my company to speak? 
We highly recommend seeking approvals prior to submission. If you submit a proposal prior to seeking approval, we recommend starting the process immediately. You will have about two weeks to finalize participation should your session be accepted. 

What does it mean if my proposal is waitlisted? 
Being waitlisted means that your session isn't currently included in the main agenda, but it's considered if a confirmed session needs to drop out. If a presenter of an accepted session drops out, your proposal may be chosen to fill that slot. This typically happens if your proposal covers a similar topic or has a similar theme (e.g. we try to fill a wellness talk slot with another wellness talk). When being waitlisted, TSPA will ask for your availability and the notice period you need to prepare, to ensure we can effectively manage any last-minute changes in the summit's schedule while respecting your need to prepare. 

What if my proposal isn’t accepted?
Due to the length of the APAC summit, there are limited speaking opportunities. That means many great proposals will not be selected for the final agenda. If your proposal isn’t accepted, there may be other opportunities in the future to engage with the TSPA on that topic. If you'd like to support the summit in other ways such as volunteering, please reach out to 

If my proposal is accepted, will I receive a registration discount? 
Yes. Summit registration fees will be covered for speakers. Speakers are responsible for travel and accommodations. If you require further financial assistance to attend the APAC Summit, there will be an opportunity to let us know in the submission form. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to provide financial assistance, but this will help us estimate how much we will need to fundraise.

Will the Summit be livestreamed? 
No. The Summit will not be livestreamed this year. 

What if my proposal is accepted, but I can’t attend?
If you can’t attend, you can have a colleague present on your behalf. If you cannot find someone to present on your behalf, your submission will be removed from the programme.

Will there be a Speaker's Room?
Yes, there will be a designated room for speakers to prepare, practice, relax, and store their personal belongings. When you pick up your badge at the registration desk, you’ll be provided with additional information for speakers, including the location of the Speaker's Room and how to access it.

Registration and Attendee FAQs

What are the registration fees for the summit?
Registration for this event is $250 (USD) for non-members and $100 (USD) for members. You can see all registration fee information here.

Are there any registration fee discounts available? 
We offer discounts for members, students, and attendees from middle-to-low income countries. We also offer financial assistance through scholarships. You can see all registration fee information on the registration fee page.

If I’m registered as an attendee but my session is later selected for the agenda, will my registration fee be refunded?
Yes. We will refund your registration fee if your session is selected for the summit agenda. 

In case I am unable to attend, is it possible to transfer my ticket to someone else?

  • You can transfer your registration to someone else if all the following applies. 

  • The person you are transferring your ticket to qualifies for the same ticket type, price, and discount you purchased. For example, you registered as a TSPA member, and the person you are transferring your ticket to is also a TSPA member.
  • Discount codes are only valid for the intended recipient and are non-transferrable. 
  • You are requesting transfer before 25th September, 2024
  • You may transfer your registration to someone else until 25th September, 2024.

If I am unable to attend, how can I request a refund for my ticket?
To receive a full refund, please email to request a refund by 25th September, 2024. We anticipate a waitlist for this event, so it would help the community if you cancel as soon as you know you are no longer able to attend. We appreciate your help! 

When is the last day to register for the summit? 
We will keep registration open as long as we have capacity up until 17:00 on 25th, September. However, we have a history of reaching capacity weeks in advance of the summit. If you plan to attend, we encourage you to sign up as soon as possible to secure your spot. Once sold out, we will add those interested to a waitlist. 

I’m on the summit waitlist. Am I likely to get into the summit? 
The higher you are on the waitlist, the more likely you will get into the summit. You will know by 17:00 GMT on 6th October whether you are off the waitlist. We will invite you to register through the email you used to sign up for the waitlist, and you will have 24 hours from that point to decide whether you will attend the summit. We don’t recommend traveling to Dublin for the summit unless you have other business or personal reasons to be in the area as we cannot guarantee a spot. 

Can I register for the summit in person? 
We are not able to accommodate in person registration for the summit this year. 

I am not a TSPA member. If I become a member, can I receive the membership discount?
Yes. If you wish to become a TSPA member, you can submit an application to become a member here. Please note that it takes up to 2 weeks for applications to be reviewed and you need to ACTIVATE your membership account (via an email that you will receive) to complete the membership process. In order to receive membership pricing for the Summit, you must APPLY for membership by 2nd September and ACTIVATE your membership by 20th September.

My company is a TSPA corporate supporter, but I still see non-member pricing when I try to register. What should I do? 
If you work for a supporting company, that means your company covers your membership fees. However, you still need to fill out an application form in order to become a TSPA member. If you are not a member yet, you can fill out an application here. The deadline to APPLY for membership is 2nd September and the date to ACTIVATE your membership is 20th September.  

I need an invitation letter. Can you provide one?
Yes, please register first and email us ( to request an invitation letter. Note that for attendees, the letter will be a confirmation of your registration. If you are a speaker, the letter will also indicate that you are speaking at the conference.