Energy Competence As A T&Ser in APAC
Date & Time
Monday, October 7, 2024, 1:30 PM - 2:10 PM
Sujata Mukherjee Pratishtha Arora Ilana Rosenzweig Kate Seiffert

While Trust & Safety (T&S) concerns are global, the discourse and decision-making authority remain disproportionately concentrated in the US or Western Europe. This imbalance risks perpetuating inequities and entrenching power differentials within this emerging profession. This panel will highlight the unique challenges faced by Asia-Pacific (APAC) T&S community members, who often shoulder an unequal burden of navigating time zones, advocating for their region and financial overhead to effectively participate in the global community. Conceptualized and moderated by the Trust & Safety Foundation’s Global Majority Research Committee, this discussion will delve into strategies for cultivating energy competence and empowerment among individual T&S practitioners, across industry and civil society. Additionally, it will explore how leaders in this region have innovated practices to address these systemic challenges.

Location Name
Clover 4/5
Full Address
6 Raffles Boulevard
Singapore 039594
Summit Session Type