Become a Sponsor

TSPA Regional Summits are one-day conferences for the trust and safety community, centring each region's specific concerns, priorities, diversity, and culture within the work of trust and safety. Sponsoring the Summit signifies your dedication and commitment to this critical field and the trust and safety professionals who work to keep our communities safe. 

Conference Sponsorship

There are two types of conference sponsorships: Summit Sponsorships and Scholarship Sponsorships, which are $10,000 USD. 

Branding & signage

Logo branding on main stage screen during breaks, conference website

Social media recognition

1 general post, along with other sponsors, on TSPA’S social media for the Summit

Verbal recognition

During opening and closing remarks by TSPA Executive Director at the Summits


2 in-person tickets

Other Sponsorship Opportunities

Swag / Resource Table - $2,000 USD

We will have a Swag / Resource Table, where you can leave swag or other materials for attendees. This is not an exhibit booth; you can only leave take-away materials for attendees. (Conference Sponsors will have access to the Swag / Resource Table as part of their sponsorship.) 

Ticket Bundles - In sets of 5 for $150 USD per ticket

This opportunity is only for conference sponsors. You can add tickets in sets of 5 to your sponsorship. 


  1. High-resolution logo must be received at least 3 weeks before the event for inclusion in printed materials.
  2. Branding on conference signage will only be on certain signs and not on all conference signage (such as directional signs). 
  3. TSPA social media accounts include LinkedIn and Mastodon.
  4. Registration tickets are based on availability, and number of tickets may be reduced or unavailable if the conference is sold out. 
  5. TSPA reserves the right to decline any sponsorship or materials that, in the sole judgment of TSPA, is unsuitable to or not keeping with the educational mission and objectives of TSPA or the Summit.