Confidentiality & Privacy

TSPA is committed to providing a safe and trustworthy environment for open conversations about trust and safety. We recognize that many conversations taking place at the Summit may be sensitive, and difficult to explore candidly, especially among Trust & Safety professionals from different (and, at times, competing) organizations and different disciplines (with sometimes differing opinions and approaches). 

To ensure that conversations and sessions can be frank and meaningful to attendees, we expect all in-person participants (including speakers, sponsors, and panelists) to adhere to all of the following privacy and confidentiality guidelines while attending the Summit.

Photography, Recording, Screen-Grabbing, and Social Media Tagging 

Not everyone attending the Summit may feel comfortable being photographed, screen-grabbed (including but not limited to: screen-recording, and/or capturing screenshots of virtual materials including the chat), or recorded in any capacity. Additionally, some participants may not consent to having their photos, videos, or social media handles uploaded and/or tagged online. 

To ensure that these preferences are communicated clearly, TSPA Staff will provide colored lanyards for all participants. These lanyards will be available at registration and check-in on each day of the event. Lanyards should be visible at all times. The following denotes the meaning associated with each color lanyard: 

  • Blue lanyards represent the least restrictive permissions. Participants wearing blue lanyards fully consent to being photographed, recorded, screen-grabbed, and/or tagged online, at the Summit, without further authorization. 
  • Red lanyards represent the most restrictive permissions. Participants wearing red lanyards signal that they prefer not to be photographed, recorded, or tagged on social media, in any capacity. Please note: your image may be recorded by TSPA staff in photos or video as part of a crowd. However, TSPA will make every effort to ensure that attendees wearing red lanyards will not have their clear and visible images posted online. (This may mean that they may be part of a background or crowd shot.)
  • Yellow lanyards will be worn by journalists or members of the media. Although TSPA has not invited media to officially attend and cover the conference, journalists may be in attendance as panelists or as fellow attendees and may write about the conference. 
  • Orange lanyards will be worn by TSPA staff and volunteers. 

Please also note that any presentations or panel discussions taking place on the main stage will be, by default, recorded and available to virtual attendees. 

Best Practice: If you are unsure about a participant’s privacy preferences, always ask for consent first. Additionally, be wary about geotagging social media posts if other participants are tagged in your post or appear in your photos.

Revoking Consent: Participant retains the right to revoke consent, at any time, for any photos, videos, recordings, screen-grabs, or social media tags, posted online, and may thus request the original poster remove such content. Failure to comply with the removal request is a violation of this Policy.

Additionally, TSPA staff and volunteers will be prepared to exchange lanyards with any participant who wishes to change their privacy preferences at any time during the event. Lanyards can be exchanged at the registration tables.

Speaker Panels, Presentations, Discussions

We are excited to host so many excellent speakers and presentations at the Summit. TSPA is committed to providing a confidential environment to facilitate these valuable discussions. We understand that not all speakers attending the Summit may feel comfortable having their presentation materials quoted, distributed, or discussed publicly. 

In addition to securing the appropriate colored lanyards (see above), speakers must also communicate their confidentiality preferences to TSPA staff ahead of the speaking event. TSPA staff will communicate speaker preferences via the room monitor before each event. We also encourage speakers to label any presentation materials with appropriate confidentiality restrictions. 

Speaker preferences can be as restrictive as the speaker chooses (e.g., on the record, off the record, on background, Chatham House Rule, etc). Additionally, speakers should also clearly communicate their confidentiality preferences to session attendees. Unless otherwise stated by TSPA or the session speaker, or indicated by a colored lanyard or the room monitor, session attendees can assume no restrictions on confidentiality apply to the materials and information presented during the Summit

If a speaker has any confidentiality requirements, restrictions, or concerns, the speaker should contact as soon as possible. 

Violations of the Privacy & Confidentiality Policy

TSPA takes reported violations of this Policy extremely seriously. If at any time during the event, you believe a participant or staff member has violated this Policy, please reach out to a TSPA staff member or volunteer for help. We encourage you to report any violations that you witness during the event, as soon as possible. 

If there is a violation of this Policy, TSPA staff may request that the violation be cured appropriately (e.g., removal of any unauthorized social media tags, posted materials, or unauthorized photographs, videos, screen-grabs, or recordings, from any sites and/or devices where the violating material was posted and/or stored). In the event that this request is ignored or further violations occur, TSPA staff retain the right to administer additional sanctions, including revocation of further participation at the Summit (and future TSPA events). If a Summit attendee or speaker has their participation revoked for violating these policies, a refund will not be issued. 

Use of Participant Information 

TSPA is committed to safeguarding the personal information of all Summit participants. Unless consented to during registration, participants’ (including speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors) contact information will not be provided to other attendees.