Code of Conduct

Attendees of the Summit will be expected to follow TSPA’s Code of Conduct, which highlights the importance of creating an inclusive, safe, and respectful community for everyone, including those attending this conference. Please make sure to read TSPA’s Code of Conduct before attending. In addition to the Code of Conduct, below are additional expectations for attendees at the Summit

Sensitive Content

Due to the nature of our work, there may be times when attendees will need to share, discuss, or debate material that is offensive or harmful. Participants will have different comfort levels regarding different types of sensitive content. When speaking of sensitive content (examples of what is considered sensitive content can be found here), please provide notice or warning. If it’s in a formal context (presentation, talk), provide trigger warnings beforehand, either verbally or in the presentation slides or materials. If being discussed informally amongst attendees, please let new people who are joining your conversation that you are discussing sensitive content.

Privacy & Confidentiality

Due to the work of trust and safety and the desire for safe and meaningful conversations at the Summit, we have a privacy and confidentiality policy that all attendees must follow. You can find more information about APAC Summit’s Privacy and Confidentiality Policy here.